Please help to protect Biblical archeological sites in Judea and Samaria

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Please review and sign the petition to UNESCO to help us advocate for the preservation of the historical and Biblical site of Mt. Ebal and Joshua's altar!!!

Welcome to CJUI’s News Covering Current Events from Judea and Samaria

      The land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem - the eternal capital of the Jewish State - have been at the center of momentous events in world history for millennia, particularly for Jews and Christians.

     Since the time of Abraham, there has been a continuous Jewish presence in this land, in spite of multiple conquests by foreign powers and the exile of portions of the Jewish population by the ancient Assyrians, Babylonians and Romans. Indeed, because of its strategic position in the Middle East, the land has been occupied and fought over for thousands of years. Judea and Samaria is the biblical heartland of the land of Israel. It is the territory in which the Hebrew patriarchs and prophets walked, and where Jesus and his disciples ministered. Today, as the people of Judea and Samaria plant and build, they regularly uncover artifacts that provide evidence of those who have gone before. Many of these finds and archeological sites confirm events and places referenced in the Bible and validate the biblical account. ​

     With each passing year, the number of sites increases in number and importance. Unfortunately, these historical treasures are being destroyed, looted and desecrated so that trained experts will not be able to examine them, and the world will be denied the opportunity to visit or read about them in professional reports.

    The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1948 provides a vivid example of the kind of artifacts that have been damaged or lost, and are still waiting to be repaired or found. In the areas in which it has control, the Palestinian Authority has either aided and abetted the destruction of archaeological sites or permitted such destruction to occur through complicit inaction – all for the purpose of eliminating evidence of ancient, and continuous, Jewish presence in the land. ​ One very important example of a site that is under imminent threat of elimination is the Joshua altar built on the top of Mt. Ebal after the children of Israel entered the land over 3,000 years ago.

Some  people often ask the question, which is addressed below. It will take you just about 20 minutes to get the answer:
"Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria: are they legal under international law?" 

     Recent news from Samaria reveals that the Palestinian Authority is now planning to build a new development of homes on this precise location. Urgent action is required to prevent the Palestinian Authority from destroying this ancient historical and biblical site that is of immense importance to both Jews and Christians!

You may find some scientific discoveries at Mount Ebal site below:

1. The Altar, the Curse & the Alphabet (Mount Ebal Episode 1)

2. Curses and Covenants (Mount Ebal Episode 2).

3. The Name of God from Mount Ebal (Episode 3) 

    Please help us appeal to UNESCO for their help in protecting this site from imminent destruction by signing our petition asking UNESCO to designate Mt. Ebal a World Heritage Site.


Director-General Audrey Azouley
World Heritage Center United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
7, Place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris CEDEX 07 France

Dear Director Azouley, 

     We, the undersigned respectfully request that UNESCO designate the Mount Ebal archeological site in Samaria, including Joshua’s Altar, as a World Heritage Site to be named Mount Ebal UNESCO Historical Park, and to effectuate such actions by taking the following practical steps immediately:

   (1) Take proactive measures to stop the ongoing damage to the archeological site on and around Mount Ebal, including Joshua’s altar

   (2) Promote the transfer of administrative responsibility for the heritage site on Mount Ebal to the Israel Antiquities Authority

   (3) Collect all relevant documentation related to the site and preserve and protect the exposed findings

   (4) At the international level, take all necessary action against all entities involved in damaging or funding projects that damage this heritage site

   (5) At the academic level, initiate steps to encourage international research at this historical site.   

   Our request constitutes a reasonable and practical recommendation which calls upon UNESCO to adopt an emergency plan for the protection and preservation of Mt. Ebal and Joshua’s Altar and to enable the State of Israel to assume immediate responsibility for it.

    Respectfully submitted by Christians and Jews United for Israel and the concerned citizens signed below. 
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Please see the map of the proposed Mt. Ebal UNESCO Historical Site

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